The Nuclear Woman

 Anna Wintour… or I should probably start by saying “Anna Wintour- the Nuclear Woman”? Who does not know about her, who hasn’t heard of Vogue’s Royalty? Hmmm…. Actually there might be someone in the planet of Earth who has the indecorum not to be interested in her… But I guess he/she- who is not aware of this superb persona, hidden under dark sunglasses and pageboy bob haircut, shall be forgiven for his/hers ignorance, as I presume he/she is as far away from the fashion world, as the 9th planet is away from the sun…  Other than that everyone else not only knows but they admire, they worship this powerful dictator of fashion and style. Not that I am surprised of course, I mean, let’s face it- this $350 billion fashion industry under the name of “American Vogue”, wouldn’t have been the same if Wintour hasn’t taken over the throne, and by “throne” I mean the “editorship”,  in 1988.
 . I will now allow myself to quote what I read in,  several days a go, as I believe that it truly describes this unique colorful character of the fashion queen “You can make a film in Hollywood without Steven Spielberg's blessing, and you can publish software without Bill Gates's blessing, but you can't succeed in fashion without Anna's blessing. “What an amazing turn if events” – is that what some of you may think? If that’s the case I truly feel that it’s a “must” to correct you by saying that nothing ever in Anna Wintour’s life is a coincidence.  She has taken over her life since the time she was only 15 and until today no one, I repeat, no one has ever succeeded in stopping her.

“You either know fashion or you don’t” – Anna Wintour’s own words proven by no one but herself in November 1988 when the first cover picture she was in charge of was issued.  I can only imagine what a great shock it was for Vogue’s readers to find out that the Vogue they’ve been reading for years will from now on be a completely different magazine, newer, “braver”, and more extravagant than it has ever been.  And for these who might not be quite sure whatever that means, I’ll have the honor to make it all clear to you. That was the very first time that the front cover featured a less-well known model, a mix of $50 jeans and a T-shirt by Christian Lacroix  worth $10 000. And if you think that was all, you are wrong- the cover showed more of a body and the photo was taken outside… 

 And this is how Anna Wintour’s fairytale in the kingdom of Vogue had begun. Although, the wasn’t the kind of princess we are used to read about in fairytales, she was more of a mean, demanding, and expecting queen mother. And this is what she is until this day.  And this is what made her so successful in her career. And this is what made her a living icon and immortalized her name for ever on.

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